If this matched up with the number on cTab (I don't know how those get assigned) it would be stupidly helpful. In fact just having numbers (as an option) besides...
Just one little thing, you have `KP_liberation_civ_supplies_impact` in the config which allows you to set the cvi rep gain, however the stringtable is hard coded to 5%, so if you...
Just to add a little more information here so it doesn't get lost in Discord. When we have this issue we've noticed the person who can't be heard can start...
This could be an engine limitation, but it would be cool if we could use the flatbed HEMTT to bring wrecks back to base. I know you can load a...
@GoldJohnKing Thanks but @mrNo0b was correct, I know how to set up the towing etc, but I was hoping there could be some way to load wrecks onto the flatbed....