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About how to train a fcn8spac from scratch, thanks
I want to use the pacconv2d in my code, so I try to running your code firstly but I meet a proplem.
The PacConv2dFn in
in_mul_k = cols.view(bs, ch, *kernel.shape[2:]) * kernel
The error is: RuntimeError: shape '[1, 256, 3, 3, 112, 112]' is invalid for input of size 29419776
I train the model with the command as: >python -m task_semanticSegmentation.main --data-root data/voc --exp-root exp/voc/fcn8spac2 --train-split train11 --test-split val11_sbd --train-crop 449 --test-crop 512 --model fcn8spac --epochs 40 --lr 0.001 --lr-steps 20
How can I solve this problem or whether do my parameter exit error?
My environment is: python 3.7, cuda 11.1 and pytorch 1.9