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evaluate problem
When I run test.py, I will report an error: TypeError: string indices must be integers In the following code:
for result in results:
!!self.metrics.add_batch(result['y_pred'], result['y_true'])!!
metric_prefix = f'{result_name}_SemanticKITTI'
In semantic_kitti_dataset_stage2.py and semantic_kitti_dataset_stage1.py. The function is “evaluate”.
Whether it's me testing qpn or voxformer-S, this error occurred in the same location.
The first result is a string with the content 'y_ pred’。 Results is a list that alternates between 'y_ pred' and 'y_true'.
How much memory did you use during the testing?I ran out of 16GB of memory and the verification set was full of memory.The test set is even more difficult to run.
Please follow our tutorial exactly https://github.com/NVlabs/VoxFormer/blob/main/docs/getting_started.md. Thank you!
Thank you for your interest in our paper. Please make sure to follow our tutorial exactly and use the dist_test.sh script to obtain evaluation results.
When I run test.py, I will report an error: TypeError: string indices must be integers In the following code:
for result in results: !!self.metrics.add_batch(result['y_pred'], result['y_true'])!! metric_prefix = f'{result_name}_SemanticKITTI'
In semantic_kitti_dataset_stage2.py and semantic_kitti_dataset_stage1.py. The function is “evaluate”.
Whether it's me testing qpn or voxformer-S, this error occurred in the same location.
I also have this problem, it occurs when I was trying to run test with one GPU, I change the dist_test.sh: `CONFIG=$1 CHECKPOINT=$2 PORT=${PORT:-29503}
PYTHONPATH="$(dirname $0)/..":$PYTHONPATH
python -m torch.distributed.launch --master_port=$PORT
$(dirname "$0")/test.py $CONFIG $CHECKPOINT --eval bbox`