> 2\. What about sending data from non-lego devices in the same format (using broadcast)? This is definitely a possibility. Both sending and receiving. The protocol implemented follows the format...
The times I used other devices to receive the data I had access to the raw advertisement data, e.g., using [https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/library/bluetooth.html](https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/library/bluetooth.html) I did the decoding to obtain the data, topic,...
Clear. Indeed somewhere in the decoding of the advertising data is going wrong. I am actually surprised that 'legoble' is there, it is not something that is explicitly advertised. Moreover,...
Interesting dicussion! I have been playing around with the `ubluetooth` from the official SPIKE Prime firmware to get Scenario 3.A/B working. I second @laurensvalk statement on the complexity of the...
From my experience the connection limit of the Robot Inventor/Spike Prime hub: * one hub is able to connect to 4 other hubs (3 peripherals and 1 central in my...
Is this the lowest level possible? I am thinking beyond Nordic UART, e.g., LWP ;) My main question: what are your thoughts on support for LWP, i.e., either by allowing...
> ```python > class LWP3Device(BLEDevice): > pass > > def lwp_connect("....") -> LWP3Device > pass > > class pybricks.pupdevices.RemoteControl(LWP3Device): > pass > > my_duplo_hub = lwp_connect("Duplo Hub") > ``` Now...