Is there any chance it's merged? @kdaily We've faced an issue when the current behavior overrides existing users in the kube config file.
Ups, sorry, there is conflict. Could you rebase it, please?
Hi thanks for the PR. Seed should be done in the client library. So, you should call `seed` for all your application before using it.
@danhardman ok, let's remove multyplying but actually, I'm not sure about that. There are a lot of recommendations about weight randomization.
no, there is no such functionality here yet
> Would you be able to expand it a bit more? Like why do you want to do it only based on 4xx? Why wouldn't throttling or blocklist+fail2ban be enough...
@santib Do you think it does not fit the gem idea, or is it our corner case? Sure I think it might be a separate gem, why not. I just...