Results 34 comments of NOP0

>At the moment, the wasm-demo is meant to draw a dot wherever you click, This works for me now, and the example program is also working. Ok to close by...

@alshdavid Silly but sincere question, do you plan to implement this, or is this repo only a specification for others to implement?

I like how ```Option``` and ```Result``` becomes part of function signatures. You *have* to handle it "up front". And a whole bunch of programming errors is no more, like forgetting...

This sounds really good. It's ideal if we can write the standard library in Rust. Related to #13

Started thinking about the implementation here. I guess each case branch is sort of a conditional branch where the expression is ("case in branch-list?"). But even though there are similarities,...

How difficult is wasm as a target vs. some "dumbed down" Rust (like some languages compiling to Javascript or C)? As an inexperienced person I would assume that you would...

>In 136a420 I started playing around with a "standard library" which can be compiled to WASM and linked with all IEC programs to provide higher-level functionality. Would it be good...

We also need time formats. #34

I think your example seems like an approach worth trying. >Types like DateTime will (for the time being) probably need to be allocated at runtime and passed around via pointers...

I think the spec says: ```DATE_AND_TIME#1970-01-01-00:00:00.000``` But the underlying storage is specified as implementation dependent. But googling around, I see that some vendors say that they use u32 for the...