
Results 25 comments of Shawn

Also encountered this. `cmake` is in `/usr/bin`, and the directory is in `PATH`

It turns out some files in the cmake argument are missing. The "is cmake not installed?" error message is actually misleading in this case.

Thanks for the feature request. This is exactly what [proxychains-ng]( supports. Personally I'd like to keep cproxy simple without messing with socks proxies.

Another Rust static file server with file deletion feature but less friendly UI:

Has the project been available on maven?

This API does not seem to be documented in PyTorch: Could you elaborate more on the use case? Thanks.

@lixiangMindSpore For now you can just remove the `torch.distributed.destroy_process_group()` from your training script, and your training will just run well. The process groups will be destroyed automatically when the processes...

今天开始无法登录,收到 ``` -1 ```

Related C++ struct: `at::cuda::CUDAStreamGuard` and method: `c10::cuda::setCurrentCUDAStream`.