Minh Nguyen

Results 33 comments of Minh Nguyen

Not meaning to rush you @jaredpalmer, but has there been any progress on this? 🙂

This is actually my bad - I introduced the copying of `.yarnrc` in https://github.com/ds300/patch-package/pull/222 (matching the existing logic of copying `.npmrc`) as I needed Yarn to point at the correct...

Made a comment in https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw-json/issues/76#issuecomment-650463667 but will re-post here for visibility: > Also, just wanted to say that during our company-wide hackathon yesterday and today, I managed to self-host both...

> Thank you @NMinhNguyen for sharing. Indeed the socket server needs only a Dockerfile and it would be ready to be self hosted along the main Excalidraw client. I don't...

So I've been thinking a bit more about this and I'm wondering if the easiest way to make the backend URLs configurable, is to have some kinda `@excalidraw/cli` package that...

> @NMinhNguyen, from my observations, the by far most common way of configuration for docker images is by environment variables. Sometimes there are also some command line parameters or config...

@kjellkvinge yup that is precisely what I did so I could rebuild it. But just wanted to agree on the approach (do we rebuild? do we not?) first before making...

@kbariotis I've raised a PR that makes it simpler to `git clone` this repo and `yarn build:app:docker` to produce build output with customised API endpoints. A Docker solution actually doesn't...

From https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw-json/issues/76#issuecomment-652832953 > I've open sourced the Next.js storage server: https://github.com/NMinhNguyen/excalidraw-json. At the moment it only supports Amazon S3-compatible storage (e.g. [Google Cloud Storage](https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/interoperability), [Yandex Object Storage](https://cloud.yandex.com/docs/storage/)) and only implements...

> Thank you all for your ideas. I think a good small step would be to containerize the socket server. Please feel free to make a PR for that and...