When the number of clusters is big, the plots produced in Rstudio can not be seen. First exporting stops working when we have around 200 clusters, so the only solution...
The documentation for Factoextra may need to be improved. For instance, I ran across an issue today: Because it was not specified that the supplied 'data' - parameter should...
I am trying to run **loftee** as a part of **VEP** with the following command: `/vep/ensembl-tools-release-95/vep -i SF0637658_WES_CIDR.vcf --format vcf --json --everything --allele_number --no_stats --cache --offline --minimal --verbose --assembly GRCh38...
Running **make** in the **root** folder results in the permission denied error for **ocambuild**. Changing permissions of both **PhyloCSF** and **ocambuild** or running as a root does not fix it....