I'm unclear where this goes. ``` function tw_s3_uploads_s3_client_params( $params ) { $params["endpoint"] = S3_UPLOADS_ENDPOINT; $params["use_path_style_endpoint"] = true; return $params; } add_filter( "s3_uploads_s3_client_params", "tw_s3_uploads_s3_client_params"); ``` I understand the define statments go...
I'm experiencing this error too, on a server that has been running without issue for several years, but recently has started stopping streaming/recording randomly. When the stream/recording experiences problems, I...
Adding more info. So when there's an interruption I get these lines in the error log, and rtmp.log respectively ``` 2024/06/06 19:25:55 [error] 201701#201701: *49130 live: already publishing, client:,...