Results 8 comments of NICHOLAS85

Checkout if you want to use fzf-tmux

I see the same issue, I use `ZSH_AUTOSUGGEST_COMPLETION_IGNORE="[[:space:]]*"` to stop suggestions from appearing when the buffer is preceded by whitespace.

Looks like it was a fluke as now the process isn't constantly using CPU as it seemed when I first opened this issue. Right now it just jumps 0.5-1% occasionaly

After upgrading and installing the `*romkatv` zsh I, unfortunately, run into the same issue: ``` Something went wrong while running zsh on host: ./ line 24: /private/var/mobile/.xxh/xxh/shells/xxh-shell-zsh-romkatv/build/zsh-5.8-linux-x86_64-static/bin/zsh: cannot execute binary...

I’ll try to build a portable binary at some point in the future. At the moment I am limited in space on my Phone and may not be able to...

I get a `Bad CPU type in executable` when trying to run relocate or the Zsh executable. Here’s the output of `uname -a` if it helps: ``` Darwin Nicks-iPhone 19.0.0...

Here is a repo which let's you build Zsh for iOS: It may be useful if you all are interested in packaging an iOS version

I was able to use tailscale in a container on the same machine I was funneling on to allow multiple services to be funneled/served: Until this issue is resolved...