> i am sorry for late reply It's not a problem :) > just pass empty array to udp_remotes Then I guess there's some unnecessary output (or bug?) - in...
Thanks, will wait it :)
@ochanje210 is this problem Nuxt related only? 🤔 P.S: in my case I've installed boxicons from npm and added css-import into ~/plugins/vuesax.js ```javascript import Vue from 'vue' import Vuesax from...
@kontsevoy > ... binary for ARM? No. It's just not possible to launch Teleconsole in Termux as regular binary (/path/to/teleconsole). Termux's bash says: `bash: ./teleconsole: No such file or directory`...
@nptss do you run dockstation with sudo? or without it?
@nptss Do you used any specific groups or anything else? Because in my case when I launch app "as is" (without sudo) it show's me error (I didn't choose option...
If you don't mean picture-in-picture variant, then probably this repo will contain usefull info 😅 https://github.com/termux/termux-float Also not sure if it's correct commit, but it's about integrating picture-in-picture mode at...
Hi @tiagohm. I would like to translate Restler into russian. I'm already forked, cloned and started translation, but I have one question - does this repo contains everything required to...
Also may be not bad idea to enable discussions for the repo (Settings > Options > Features > Discussions) to avoid some "flood" in issues. In this case - you...
Doesnt `build.gradle` file (https://github.com/emanuele-f/PCAPdroid/blob/master/app/build.gradle) contain all necessary info like minSdk, targetSdk, buildToolsVersion, ndkVersion, cmake version and etc?