
Results 12 issues of Heaven

`core-js/modules/es.promise.js` and `core-js-pure/modules/es.promise.js` are exactly the same code, the main difference is just that the former has global pollution. If so, why `core-js` doesn't use(directly import) `core-js-pure` to polyfill and...


Currently the `idAttribute` just can be a string, but usually the response's key of id from the api is changeable, e.g. the id of the User entity maybe is `id`,...

type: Enhancement
layer: Fields
layer: Database

### 🐛 Bug description [Please make everyone to understand it] > Please provide a link by forking these links [G2Plot](https://codesandbox.io/s/g2plot-issue-template-gzfdq?file=/index.ts) or GitHub repo, a minimal reproduction. * _Required_ **Link to...


Seems currently we must provide the `path/src` option, but sometimes we want to insert some inline css or script like `.foo {}` or `console.log('hello')`

### Introduction Today, we can't pass custom property to any React Native Component like `View`, `Image`. And if we do that, React Native will throw errors. ### Details There are...

Assume ComponentA has a dependence ComponentB, when we `import { ComponentA } from 'lib'` with this plugin; We only import the css of ComponentA, the css of ComponentB won't be...

https://github.com/sindresorhus/meow/blob/master/index.js#L74-L79 shows that even we set `description=false`, there still will be a '\n' before the `help` value, that looks like a little wired.

Thanks for this repo,it is really very very nice!But there maybe are a few things to make it better. 1.just as #23 says,we need to remove the unknown props in...

help wanted

In the [doc](https://github.com/acdlite/react-fiber-architecture/blob/master/README.md#type-and-key): > In fact, when a fiber is created from an element, these two fields are copied over directly. But I check the [src code](https://github.com/facebook/react/blob/master/src/renderers/shared/fiber/ReactFiber.js#L185): ``` var createFiber...