Nathan Crouther
Nathan Crouther
Additional info from log: I/dex2oat: Verification error in boolean com.j256.ormlite.db.BaseDatabaseType.isSelectSequenceBeforeInsert() boolean com.j256.ormlite.db.BaseDatabaseType.isSelectSequenceBeforeInsert() failed to verify: unexpected non-category 1 return type Precise Reference: java.lang.String(): [0x1] E/dex2oat: Verification failed on class com.j256.ormlite.db.BaseDatabaseType...
I am only seeing this on a Samsung GS5 phone running Android 5.0. Emulators running 8.0 do not experience the crash.
Thanks for all of the detailed feedback. I knocked out all of the easy stuff today, I should have time to tackle the rest of it later this week. A...
I went ahead and added JavaPoet and used the maven shade plugin to eliminate the added dependency. It does bump the size of the annotation processing code from ~10KB to...
I looked at how Dagger handles creating two JARs and they use a maven multipke module project, which seems like the best way to go. There are a couple of...
Thanks for the confirmation. I solved the javadoc issue by using the aggregate-jar target for the javadoc plugin in the parent pom. I have the project split into the modules...
Thanks for the advice. I'm really new to Git/GitHub, so I appreciate the hand-holding, I'm learning a lot. I followed your recommendation and put the initial version of the module-split...
Sorry for the delay, I was away from email over the holiday weekend. I didn't realize that JavaPoet would increase the required JRE/JDK version. Hopefully the impact will be small...
To add to gradle (for the branch with the annotation processing split into a separate JAR): ``` compile files('libs/ormlite-core.jar') compile files('libs/ormlite-android.jar') provided files('libs/ormlite-android-annotation-processor.jar') ``` Once this version is deployed to...
I took a crack at automating this with an annotation processor.