Results 9 issues of NCLnclNCL

Although system.text.json is compatible with json, it seems that very few projects use it because it is unfamiliar and only available for dotnet core a lot of projects use this...

We use Newtonsoft.Json package to serialize/deserialize json. It is great library. But seems json is becoming built-in format in BCL (.net 6). In future it allow us to be not...


code public static async Task SendToken(string tokenAddress, string recipientAddress, string privateKey, decimal amount) { var Account = new Account(privateKey); var web3 = new Web3(Account, ""); string senderAddress = Web3.GetAddressFromPrivateKey(privateKey); var...

if i build x64, i can using it without bug, i used --self-contained in x86 csharp-ls: serverEventLoop: crashed with System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException: Unable to load one or more of the requested types....

i want disable IntelliSense parameter documentation value:

i really like this Project, it's the perfect replacement for the bad omnisharp and delay i am currently using the extension you recommended in vscode, how do you see that...

i feel like it clicks every 1s, making me unable to press anything in the browser, please fix it now, i use recaptcha