Results 7 issues of N3TC4T

## Issue Description When rippled compiled with `-Dreporting=ON` and PostgreSQL is not installed on the server you will get below error message when running rippled: `error while loading shared libraries:...

We had some report from user's with lost keychain item after performing `setInternetCredentialsForServer` method on the item. Setting an item to the keychain first `removes` existing keychain item (if any)...

### Description This part of code will cause the Animated.Event to not be fired if the `useNativeDriver` is set to `true` and if event name starts with `on`, not sure...

Platform: Android
API: Animated
Needs: Triage :mag:

`chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t ./config` required to allow the container to get the config from the parent host.

**Version** react-native-router-flux v3.38.1 react-native v0.44.0 **Issue Description** Tab bar pushed up by the keyboard on focus. this happpend on using android:windowSoftInputMode="adjustResize" **Solution :** Not yet

**Version** react-native-router-flux v3.38.1 react-native v0.44.0 **Expected behaviour** Assembled a release: gradlew assembleRelease Expected it to build release .apk . **Actual behaviour** ``` Build failed: android\app\build\intermediates\res\merged\release\drawable-mdpi\node_modules_reactnativerouterflux_node_module s_reactnativeexperimentalnavigation_assets_backicon.png: error: Invalid filename. Unable...

