If you want to install VitaShell or enso by transferring in Content Manager, just download prebuilt zip from releases tab and put in the same folder of this tool i...
无论打开免提与否都是下面的扬声器有声 卸载后正常
use foobar set Parameters to --ignorelength -s --no-optimize --alac --no-smart-padding -v256 -q2 -o %d - got issue when covent so how to set the parameters? 1 out of 1 files...
Android 11无法注册应用 备份法安装的11 有些app推送失效 在android 10下推送没问题 按说明重新安装的需要推送的app和mipush 还是不提示注册推送 magisk-riru-mipush-fake-v12.0.zip安装提示riru找不到 但已经安装riru 23最新版 > Logcat如下 系统: PixelExperience_violet-11.0-20201226-0544-BETA-OFFICIAL
显示 已经注册推送 但收不到, 重装前没事
didnt happen on last before the new bulid.
i choose hard diffcult only 2 life easy to loose anyone who can help?
still flick and black