Brian Manlove
Brian Manlove
I'm looking at the possibility of a phone app that, when on the HUD's wifi network, can give a nice GUI with the expected buttons, dropdowns, etc., it could possibly...
I'll check that out...
I'm also trying out a bluetooth numeric keypad. Not sure of the additional power drain but the usb one I've been using is backlit, so I think that's pushing requirement...
@bri2k1 - This is some **GNVTG** data coming in from my stratux (latest version) with a ublox8 GPS. The code errors out when attempting to parse the **truecourse** value, which...
@bri2k1 - I followed the development environment steps as linked to by @b3nno above, so I am using Visual Studio Code with a remote connection to my Stratux, and I'm...
I just added a special standalone log file to my Stratux code that captures only the **$GNRMC** and **$GNVTG** sentences, and drove around the neighborhood... I can't reproduce @bri2k1 's...
I just re-ran my driving route test with the AHRS removed from my Stratux and the headings in my logs were 100% accurate. FWIW I'm using a ublox8 gps without...
@bri2k1 - I just bought a Neo M8-U so I am going to try and duplicate the issue with that.
It would be interesting to see if the **Neo M8-U** could also source the **AHRS** data since the device has an on-board IMU
The roll, pitch, and heading is definitely available in the **Neo M8U** device, the data comes over serial as a **UBX-HNR-ATT** message, or alternatively this data can be accessed over...