
Results 7 comments of Ntalumeso

Hi @davidcarslaw , I have an issue with the conditional quantile function. When I'm trying to set the key.position to "right" or "left", I'm getting the error in the image...

> Hi @davidcarslaw , > I have an issue with the conditional quantile function. When I'm trying to set the key.position to "right" or "left", I'm getting the error in...

I tried your example and I'm facing the same problem. ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68591383/104290333-e65a5380-54c2-11eb-9c1e-6f9ef2be98d1.png)

So, to sort out this I have to load again **latticeExtra** library(openair) library(latticeExtra) mydata$mod

> What does it mean the "left justify", can you post an image that shows the result you expected? this is what I was expecting from that column ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/68591383/193983455-5a73a829-ce79-4ec6-bb8e-45f2c101f4d1.png)

> @N-thony I wonder who you could suggest now to work on this problem? Having written this I wonder whether @lilyclements could have an initial look - I assume it...

@EstherNjeriLiberatta any progress?