Currently when deleting a repository we delete the following repo data: * branches * tags * commits We are missing: * settings * link addresses * imports .... We should...
Support passing prefix parameter to the diff command and show diff for a specific path in the repository
Argument was deprecated and should be removed with the next major release. Notify on breaking change in changelog! Relates to: https://github.com/treeverse/lakeFS/pull/7353
Using S3 backing store: ``` lakectl_test.go:624: Error Trace: /home/niro/dev/lakefs/esti/lakectl_util.go:199 /home/niro/dev/lakefs/esti/lakectl_util.go:212 /home/niro/dev/lakefs/esti/lakectl_util.go:171 /home/niro/dev/lakefs/esti/lakectl_util.go:156 /home/niro/dev/lakefs/esti/lakectl_test.go:624 Error: An error is expected but got nil. Test: TestLakectlBisect Messages: Expected error in 'LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIAIOSFDNN7EXAMPLEQ LAKECTL_CREDENTIALS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY LAKECTL_SERVER_ENDPOINT_URL=http://localhost:8000...
Externalize TableMetadata's commit method so that the TableMetadata class can be used in custom REST catalog implementations
Closes #7710 ## Change Description ### Background Create a lakeFS Rust client using Open API generator. This PR only handles the code generation aspects. Release workflow will be handled in...
As part of the exporters logic (delta, and unity), we translate physical address in lakeFS in the form of `https` to `abfss` scheme. In the function that translates the URIs...
As a first step - create auto generated lakeFS rust client In a different issue - create a release process for the rust client with crate
Add IAM Role authentication to the Client's authentication chain.
tracking issue to support ListParts for the following block adapters by order of importance: 1. Azure 2. GS 3. local AWS S3 is already covered in https://github.com/treeverse/lakeFS/issues/7599