Simply tried to build a SD card writable image using the build framework for BananaPiPro. Included all desktop packages. Logs ./output/debug generated by ./ are here: Last few lines...
I have recently moved away from Oracle's JRE and JDK platforms because of their licencing and moved to OpenJDK. Colour Oracle will not start, telling me that I need a...
Connected to Docker. I was wondering why it was taking forever for the OS5 to recognise USB connected storage and even unmounting USB storage. Reason is that as portainer grabs...
Not sure if this is a bug or by design. Emulating: Master 128 View: Real Time Speed is showing at 1.00 and fps is 50. Emulator at this point is...
Just wondering when the official repo for Western Digital NAS will be brought up-to-date? As the time of writing this years is showing that it was updated 4 years ago.
I'm learning kotlin and trying to find a few examples. I'm having problems building your app and making an APK. This is what I'm getting. ``` Executing tasks: [clean, :app:assembleDebug]...