Jake Myoungjin Kim

Results 8 comments of Jake Myoungjin Kim

Hello, @fgonzalezr1998 thanks to your code I could approach my goal some steps. But I faced some problems. I'm trying to run darknet_ros_3d with stereo camera(ocams_1cgn) made by withrobot and...

Thanks for fast review :-) I tried to change cloud topic to stereo/point_cloud but it didn't work..... : ( And I also tried `rostopic echo /darknet_ros_3bounding_boxes` then I've got this...

Oh, finally I can catch the distance value!!!! I did _rostopic_ echo /tf_ and I got a _frame_id : "base_link"_ And I changed yaml file. Thank you so much @fgonzalezr1998

Lastly, may I ask you something? I got these values but I can't understand what exactly they mean. ![distance](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64261919/87247210-5133bf00-c48d-11ea-9661-647c57d37a3e.PNG) ![Readme](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/64261919/87247291-e2a33100-c48d-11ea-8437-b4b1d3c07a78.PNG) It is difficult to understand them because they are not...

Thank you for your detailed explanation. Actually, I'd like to use my own weight and cfg files, so I put them in the cfg and weight folder, modified some files...

Hi @fgonzalezr1998 it's Myoungjin Finally I combined my weight file with darknet_ros_3d. The problem was cfg file. So now I can get these 3d box's information, but I am still...

Hello @fgonzalezr1998 it's been a long time I just saw your readme file and I wanna ask you something Should I install ROS2 to use your package??? or is there...

@fgonzalezr1998 Oh I c thanks a lot And could I ask one more thing about ROS ?? I really eager to use the calculated x,y,z, values using ur package and...