Jake Myoungjin Kim
Jake Myoungjin Kim
Hello, @fgonzalezr1998 thanks to your code I could approach my goal some steps. But I faced some problems. I'm trying to run darknet_ros_3d with stereo camera(ocams_1cgn) made by withrobot and...
Thanks for fast review :-) I tried to change cloud topic to stereo/point_cloud but it didn't work..... : ( And I also tried `rostopic echo /darknet_ros_3bounding_boxes` then I've got this...
Oh, finally I can catch the distance value!!!! I did _rostopic_ echo /tf_ and I got a _frame_id : "base_link"_ And I changed yaml file. Thank you so much @fgonzalezr1998
Lastly, may I ask you something? I got these values but I can't understand what exactly they mean.   It is difficult to understand them because they are not...
Thank you for your detailed explanation. Actually, I'd like to use my own weight and cfg files, so I put them in the cfg and weight folder, modified some files...
Hi @fgonzalezr1998 it's Myoungjin Finally I combined my weight file with darknet_ros_3d. The problem was cfg file. So now I can get these 3d box's information, but I am still...
Hello @fgonzalezr1998 it's been a long time I just saw your readme file and I wanna ask you something Should I install ROS2 to use your package??? or is there...
@fgonzalezr1998 Oh I c thanks a lot And could I ask one more thing about ROS ?? I really eager to use the calculated x,y,z, values using ur package and...