Davi Marcon

Results 17 comments of Davi Marcon

I'm using `firefox 99+linuxmint1+una` on `linux Mint 20.3` and still able to reproduce this error. Sadly, this makes the usage really hard.

Hey @rpetit3, I'd like to help! I'll be working on a nf-core module for this tool in our hackaton! https://github.com/nf-core/modules/issues/959

Found an bug while trying to develop a module: https://github.com/biobakery/phylophlan/issues/73 , waiting for a possible solution to proceed with the development

Thank's for your response, and sorry for my delay into my response. Here goes the output for `phylophlan --version` : `PhyloPhlAn version 3.0.60 (27 November 2020)` Outputs: ``` /usr/local/bin/phylophlan -i...

Yes, Sure, I'll test with the latest version. It'd be great if you update the Bioconda recipe, I'll certainly be happy to use it! Thankfully, Davi

I've replicated the error using the latest version: phylophlan --version output ``` PhyloPhlAn version 3.0.64 (8 July 2021) ``` pylophlan output: ``` PhyloPhlAn version 3.0.64 (8 July 2021) Command line:...

Hey, After some testings, I found that I needed to setup the dependency manually, and generate the default config files again, and after that, phylophlan started to work without that...

Hey, > Which dependencies were missing? I was missing, Diamond and mafft, I downloaded them manually and it worked! > How the config file was created? Using the create_default_configs script,...

@bentsherman How can I test this on a production environment? If you give me some hints about how to run this exact revision I can run some tests on our...

Commands used: ```terminal git clone https://github.com/nextflow-io/nextflow git fetch origin git checkout -b ben/pbspro-cluster-options cd nextflow make compile cd .. ./nextflow/launch.sh main.nf -c nextflow.config ``` qstat output: ``` Job ID Username...