Marco Faustinelli
Marco Faustinelli
If you really expect me to go on dependency from your code, then you better fix code coverage first. I can't see any test against == and not even against...
In order to exploit our multicore servers, we'd be keen to see this code ported to Erlang. Please do. Have you got by chance plans about Haskell? We may assist.
I am trying to use your instructions in the README. I am still struggling with a sequel of error messages originating from the `yarn run eject` step: missing `babel-loader`, etc....
Modification references a repo of mine, in order to keep the text shorter. I can also provide full details without need to reference my repo.
Nowadays webpack is used in conjunction with ES6 module imports. The proposed syntax has been tested and it works flawlessly.
I am experimenting with the plugin on an iphoneX with faceID. When a wrong face is proposed and the used presses the "password fallback" button, the error message contains a...
I am a React developer new to Liferay. I am trying to use your Union project to plug my react apps inside a legacy Liferay portal. I have built a...
I am new to Liferay. I am running the [sample Liferay 7.2 Docker container]( as my backend. I wish to create a new page, where I will display the [React...
The text of chapter three does not show completely what is the complete code of PhotoGroove.elm after introducing the random number generator. We miss: - a complete list of the...
After reading the README of this repo, it is not clear to me what it takes to use this library together with an external authorisation server; in my case it...