
Results 8 issues of MuthuKrishnanO

The "android" command is no longer included in the SDK. Any references to it (e.g. by third-party plugins) should be removed.

Unsupported method: BaseConfig.getApplicationIdSuffix(). The version of Gradle you connect to does not support that method. To resolve the problem you can change/upgrade the target version of Gradle you connect to....

E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main Process:, PID: 14619 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No static method getInstance()Landroid/support/v17/leanback/transition/TransitionHelper; in class Landroid/support/v17/leanback/transition/TransitionHelper; or its super classes (declaration of '' appears in /data/app/ at com.sgottard.sofa.BaseFragment.( at

10-11 15:11:31.808 27043-27043/? E/libprocessgroup: failed to make and chown /acct/uid_10156: Read-only file system 10-11 15:11:31.809 27043-27043/? W/Zygote: createProcessGroup failed, kernel missing CONFIG_CGROUP_CPUACCT? 10-11 15:11:31.810 27043-27043/? I/art: Late-enabling -Xcheck:jni 10-11 15:11:31.841...

Failed to find byte code for android/media/tv/TvInputService$RecordingSession