Mustansir Zia

Results 38 comments of Mustansir Zia

Hi @ShintaroNippon! I don't see any errors in the output above, can I get some more clarity on this? What errors are you facing?

Hmmm. Might need to dive in to check this.

Hi @ShintaroNippon! I also believe the issue is probably how pkg packages/runs our app as correctly pointed in your earlier [issue]( I think the issue exists when your app tries...

Like so. ```js module.exports = { overrides: [ { test: '*', presets: [ ['@babel/preset-env', {'node': 'current'}], ], }, ], plugins: [ [ "@babel/plugin-transform-runtime", { "absoluteRuntime": false, "corejs": 2, "helpers": true,...

Please post your `babel.config.js` or `.babelrc` and your `package.json` here.

I will try to check if I can.

Hi @ShintaroNippon! There's already a script bundled for nodemon in this boilerplate. Any specific reason why you're using your own? For now, just try `"dev": "nodemon --ignore app/ app.js"` and...

Alright then. You can define the port anyway without further configuring nodemon.

Hi @aytunch! Yes, it will be. It's currently in the pipeline.

I have updated the package version to `0.0.5+1` and it might fix this issue as well. I'm really sorry it took this long and I wish I could've done this...