
Results 8 comments of MurtuzaSrashtaSoft

in android is working fabulously. but ios do not work propper.

When listening only use these two clean language **questions. 1.** What kind of x (is that)? 2. Is there anything else about X? For example, I might say "I get...

show bottom sheet after 2 send delay. **example/lib/ble_screen/ble_screen.dart** ``` if (state is BleStateLoaded) { return ScanList(state.bleDevices, Icons.bluetooth, onTap: (Map item, BuildContext _context) async { BlocProvider.of(_context).add(BleEventSelect(item)); BlocProvider.of(_context).add(BleEventStopScan()); await Future.delayed(Duration(seconds: 2)); _showBottomSheet(item,...