**For everyone struggling:** We've forked and published with the current changes: If you want u can use the following for now. `npm i @nuxt/image@npm:@brandboostinggmbh/image` This will use our forked...
can you share your sanity.config.ts?
til; @algora-pbc isn't good with handling decimals
@ilyasmez I would suggest taking a look at
this still seems to be an issue, correct? amount is of Scalar Type "Money". 
@ogil7190 also not a maintainer but it seems to me like this issue is still persisting
this seems very much needed .__. @ochicf any chance you are already publishing a fixed version somewhere for the moment
as this would require pretty heavy backend lifting and mail-sending infrastrucutre my guess would be that this is pretty much out of scope for this project :|