I get this error Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/container/", line 9, in from data import database File "/home/container/data/database/", line 1, in from .database import db File "/home/container/data/database/", line...
Thank you for the bot, everything perfect in the bot, just missing help command [menu or with buttons] and it will be even better
Hey, the bot stays in the voice channel even when 24/7 is off, can you tell me how to fix this pls
Hey, I suggest add **playlist commands** like, [ create, savecurrent, savequeue, savenowplaying, removetrack, showplaylists, showdetails, playlist-play ] also the idea which will really make the bot better, to add button...
When i setup birthday nothing happens + in mongodb birthday nothing add when i add my bithday i cant see it there in mongodb database Unhandled promise rejection: TypeError: Cannot...
Me and my fiends set our birthday in the server, I used **/setup fun birthday** in channel, but it doesn't work, doesnt say happy birthday to the people or anything...
Hello, i have issue that the info doesnt go to mongodb, like /autoresume, /djrole it just spam in console info and nothing get created to mongo database, autoresume working but...