Mulli Bahr
Mulli Bahr
I am having the ***same*** problem for days now. Tried v2, v3 - no luck. I also have acf pro, with custom post type "referral" havind long "acf" object as...
It is... "`Content-Type →application/json; charset=UTF-8`" But I find the `Allow -> GET` (no post!) see below The post is generated but returns `acf: false` ``` Access-Control-Allow-Headers →Authorization, Content-Type Access-Control-Expose-Headers →X-WP-Total,...
Seems that I shall have to code it myself. I was hoping to find a simple way to post/put data from clients. I suspect that in` ...legacy/v2/lib/endpoints/class-acf-to-rest-controller.php` The` update_item` function...
My solution is to generate a plugin with new endpoints in v3 and use acf with my code to make sure that my updates/creation works It works...
Same here: Trying to get property 'post_type' of non-object in .../wp-content/plugins/wordpress-seo/src/integrations/third-party/elementor.php on **line 153** WP 5.9.1 Elementor 3.5.6, Pro 3.6.2 Yoast 18.2 Note: this issue was reported a year ago.
@[damianocasula]( I am still waiting for a solution... Thanks for re-opening
Hi Tomasz Thanks for taking the time to show the example I shall give it a try Best Mulli Bahr +972-50-9262025 בתאריך שבת, 28 במאי 2022 ב-19:47 מאת Tomasz...
I need to connect nodes backwords. Any updates this issue?