
Results 5 comments of muhtasham

> @dzyjjpy hello, i want to ask few questions; > > 1. Why we flipped images in testing the mpii dataset? > 2. I think mpii provide bounding box, but,...

> @dzyjjpy you mean flip for testing? part 2 to 5 i can answer your questions Can you please answer part 2 to 5

> > It should work with torch >= 1.0. Can you un-comment the try/ except in the import dcnvs line and see what's the error message? > > > >...

Would be also great to have this for Blocks API, sth like gr.Code() or even gr.Textbox( ... style="code") , to make this input/output pairs bettter ![Screenshot 2022-05-31 at 01 28...

@whk6688 try reducing `max_batch_size` in `` I set it to 128 and it fit to 4GB RAM