Results 5 comments of Onur GÜRSOY

``` Can you attach all announced capabilities in the hello message and the list of YANG models provided by ietf-netconf-monitoring, please ? ``` Yeah sure, Here is the full output....

Hello @mmiklus yeah u're right. by following this: :, i can add device successfully, but that is not fit to me. I need to register a device without any...

Hello @PeterSuna Thx for your effort Ii am really appreciate. But i couldn't figure out to solve it. I have tried with 15.2.0, 16.0.0 16.1.0. But result is the same....

@PeterSuna pls don't worry, no sorry :-) Always, we can face with that situation. The point is negations :-) Cool, then we will wait for the solution of issue 1443....