Although I define only _Formatic_ and _WalletConnect_ in `providerOptions`, **_MetaMask_** still appears automatically in the Web3Modal. web3Modal = new Web3Modal({ network: 'matic', cacheProvider: false, providerOptions: { fortmatic: { package: Fortmatic,...
### Verification - [X] I understand that [if I ignore these instructions, my issue may be closed without review]( - [X] I have retried my command with `--force`. - [X]...
As I understood everything corretly, the final NFT contract is called `MyCollectible`. But this example contains also a contract called `MyFactory.sol` which seems to be something like a Proxy as...
I wonder what the final reason is to distinguish between `create` and `mint`? In both cases a NFT gets minted, right? But in `create` a creator will be stored, while...
**Describe the bug** `build()` seems not appear to be reliable. Sometimes it does what you would expect, sometimes not. Sometimes it returns tons of articule URLs, and some seconds later...
### What was unclear or otherwise insufficient? **getManager** and **getConnectionManager** are deprecated. It is suggested to deal with a global instance of `DataSource`. How can I adjust a **NestJS**-Application with...
I'm learning python, so please forgive me if my issue is stupid. I did `pip install -r requirements.txt` and got this: ``` ERROR: pip's dependency resolver does not currently take...