Avrohom Yisroel Silver (Mr Yossu)

Results 16 issues of Avrohom Yisroel Silver (Mr Yossu)

Hello, Just discovered your excellent set of templates. However, it looks like there's a problem with the three links at the bottom of the page. In the few I checked,...

All of the examples I've seen of using SlowCheetah involve replacing the full contents of an attribute in a node. What I want to do is replace part of an...

I'm just trying events, and have run into a problem. I'm using Blazor server-side (.NET5 in VS2019) and have an event as follows... ```c# public class NewWidgetCreated : IEvent {...

Just downloaded Corman Lisp, and am hugely impressed with how easy it is to get going. Quick question, and apologies if this is covered in the docs, but I haven't...

I have a WPF application that uses MvvmLight. Messages are sent around at various points, and I would like to see (for debugging purposes, not for production code) whenever a...

Hello, I have rewritten an old WebForms site in MVC5 (Visual Studio 2013 Ultimate Update 4, Windows 7 64-bit), and want to add permanent redirection from the old URLs to...

As the title says. I'm using Racket (a derivative of Scheme, which is itself a dialect of Lisp), but I guess it would be easy to support all Lisp dialects...

[Type] Enhancement

I followed the [local chat room sample](https://github.com/aspnet/AzureSignalR-samples/tree/master/aspnet-samples/ChatRoomLocal), and it worked fine. I then tried modifying it to use Azure, as shown in the [Azure chat room sample](https://github.com/aspnet/AzureSignalR-samples/tree/master/aspnet-samples/ChatRoom). My changes were...

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I just installed the plugin, and it's highlighted all sorts of things in my code. Whilst some of the tooltips explain the...

Take the `Age` type from chapter 3 as an example ([source code](https://github.com/la-yumba/functional-csharp-code/blob/master/Examples/Chapter03/Age.cs)). Suppose I want to create a `Person` class, that EF will map to a table... ```c# public class...