facing same issue in apache and nginx on local. Could we be missing something ?
isn't this supposed to run in the browser ?
+1 , I think nextJS Ecommerce is a better option.
I had an infinite loading issue with dynamic imports ⨯ node_modules/lucide-react/dynamicIconImports.js:1395 export { dynamicIconImports as default }; ^^^^^^
2024 still apexcharts not compatible with react18 , we're migrating to something else.
> @MrVibe If the hint form @Qoraiche does not help, please provide more details on the error and the setup you have. My issue was resolved. It was not related...
I want to upvote this feature request. It becomes really expensive to re-share the entire chat and responses.
Maybe its just me but Reka is really confusing. You've surpassed the levels of a Page builder by defining, variables &. logic into the application. This has made the application...