Arnaud Marquis
Arnaud Marquis
Hey there! When using dynamicPositioning it would be great if a class could be added to the listbox so that we know if it opened to the top or bottom....
There is a printer icon but no scanner icon. Can we get a scanner icon? Something similar to
I believe there is an issue with the `elif followResp.status_code == 403:` When you have reached the maximum allowed number of people you can follow, the script keeps running endlessly...
We are missing food icons. There are almost none available. How about : - Lunch - Hamburger (not the "hamburger menu" thank you) - French fries - Pizza / Pizza...
I don't know if this library is still maintained but I'll post here anyway. I have a recurring event that occurs weekly, every Tuesday and Thursday. ``` BEGIN:VEVENT DESCRIPTION:XXX-REDACTED RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20250604T220000Z;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,TH;WKST=MO...
I believe things have changed since you last edited the documentation. I am using PHPStorm 2024.2.1 on a Ubuntu VM and I can't get XDEBUG to work. The documentation is...