Tomasz Bzymek
Tomasz Bzymek
Hi guys! I've installed all missing dependencies via Homebrew or MacPorts but whenever I'm trying to install videoP2Proxy I'm having the following error: Command: `./ --with-p2plibpath=/opt/local/lib` Output: ``` processing ....
Hi, I'm trying to add your date picker (which is great!) to my project in the filters section. My problem is that the filter box is a small pop-up box...
Hi, there's an error in the code when you adding one of these bad boys. Please change /kit/mijia/index.js from line 76 from this: ``` let humidityV1 = new HumidityV1(mijia); let...
Hi, sorry for a not very technical issue, but from yesterday I'm struggling with setting up this thing and maybe the problem isn't with the code itself but with my...
Can you please add PHP 8.0 in your composer.json file?