Results 94 comments of Ian L.

@kumare3 Hey! To be honest, I've been a bit distant from Flyte recently (haven't used it in a while), so I don't really have a compelling need for this feature...

As a workaround, I've "ignored" changes to the `node_pool`, and scaled the default node pool to zero via DigitalOcean's web interface. In Terraform: ``` lifecycle { ignore_changes = [ #...

Hey @smfoster3, by speed are you referring to the delay between each phrase?

Ah I see, yea I was going to recommend using `complete`. Can I have a look at your code / attempt?

I believe you are on the right track. Have you tried something like this: ```js $("#js-rotating").Morphext({ animation: "rotateIn", speed: 500, complete: function () { if (this.index > (this.phrases.length - 5))...

Apologies for the delay, I'll get back to this ASAP.

You can set the `display: none` for `#js-rotating`, and set it to `display: inline-block` for `.morphext` since that is only applied once the script is started.

It'd be better to do it using CSS. e.g.

Yes, that's the general recommendation @mrkenng. Bear in mind that you can call the stop outside the `complete` handler too. For example: ``` var morphext = $("#js-rotating").Morphext({ animation: "rotateIn" });...