Results 94 comments of Ian L.

Hi @Roosh513, That's a great question. It depends on the nature of the file, but to be honest, I think most browser-based converters might struggle in this respect. Chunking is...

@Roosh513 Yes, no worries, I can keep it opened. At Arachnys, we are using HTML/CSS/JS for report creation as it allows us to take advantage of simple templating (e.g. in...

Thanks for reporting this. Seems like a Chromium + Docker + FreeBSD problem. For now, it might help to use a different OS.

@duncan-bayne I appreciate your huge support 😄 I'll look into it, and get back to you. In the meantime, if you could try running the CLI without Docker, that'd be...

Sorry I haven't been able to test this out on a machine with FreeBSD, but if you ever run into this again, and if you have some spare time, give...

@mreppe `arachnysdocker/athenapdf-service:3` I believe is in an in-between state of not v2, and not entirely v3 either... sadly. I'd suggest sticking to the latest or v2. The options provided by...

You can try increasing the timeout, but I reckon this is related to: In the case of the blog, it is probably because of the large images. It also...

Okay, that sounds quite suspect. It may be a configuration issue, e.g. not enough resources or privilege. I am certainly able to convert said URLs locally using the latest stable...

> Unfortunately we are not allowed to use anything in the cloud related at the moment. I know, I know - believe me we are fighting the good fight on...

If running in a standard Docker set-up, it does not really need any additional flags. I would double check the resource constraints placed on it, and the logs of the...