Leaflet.Elevation copied to clipboard
Leaflet plugin to view height profile of GeoJSON- and GPX polylines using d3
Just edited some grammar mistakes in the comments :)
We are trying to realize a website for a hiking trail using leaflet with open top map. The website should also feature the elevation map for this hiking trail. We...
The position indicator/marker on the diagram remains at last position after hovering over the data layer on the map. This adds a mouseout listener to the layer to remove the...
### Steps - Enable height indicator option - Render an elevation profile where some or all altitudes are below 0. E.g. near the Dead Sea ### Actual When mousing over...
Is the following possible? Now hovering the elevation graph will display the current position on the map, but what about the other way around too? Hovering on the map at...
The page https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/SVG-Shapes#wiki-area_interpolate mentioned in the extension documentation has moved
I am experiencing problem with implementing the leaflet.elevation library into the webpack-based project. I have issue with importing the library into the project. See screenshot: http://prntscr.com/iid1es
If you have more than one map on a page, the mouseover event is only shown on the first map. With my change you can add a mapid, so that...
I am new to leaflet and JS in general so forgive me. I'm trying to build a map where the user creates his own route and the elevation profile will...
Width is supposed to be in pixel (px). May be a width in % could be interested to be able to adapt the view to the container (responsive). Not sure...