Bo Kou

Results 13 issues of Bo Kou

I am trying to use `ts-node/register` -> `babel-register` to ensure my code can compiled with babel-plugin. Finally i find this repository.Could you provide an example for realize this goal?

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** We are building a large mobile web app. For convenience, we are using `px2rem` to simply copy css generated from...


I was reading `extract-text-webpack-plugin` source code recently.And i saw that the plugin start a new complier for generate css file.But i couldn't find where does the file generated.I know that...

* Operating System: OSX * Node Version: v9.11.1 * NPM Version: 5.6.0 * webpack Version: 3.7.1 * transform-loader Version: 0.2.3 This issue is for a: - [ ] **bug** -...

actual: ```ts const expectValue = '#cc88' colord(colord(expectValue).toRgbString()).toHex() !== expectValue // #cccc8887 ``` expect: ```ts const expectValue = '#cc88' colord(colord(expectValue).toRgbString()).toHex() !== expectValue // toHex() return value should equal to expectValue ```

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** When trying to set the `fill` property for ``, it seems that the Arrow path is the first element in...


## Icon Request * Icon name: Constrain Icon * Use case: In canvas-based application, there are many places where you need to modify attributes synchronously * Screenshots of similar icons:...

icon request

### 前言 目前不管是示例页还是文档中内嵌的示例,都只提供代码+显示效果的展示,代码不能够实时编辑。提供一个可以实时编辑/编译/显示效果的游乐场对于用户学习引擎的使用非常有帮助,本issue旨在基于 sandpack 来实现一个交互式的游乐场功能。 ### 现状梳理 目前游乐场写了一些示例场景的代码来展示某个引擎 api 如何调用,以及对应的显示效果是什么。游乐场代码中还掺入了 dat.gui 的逻辑,用来调整 api 对应的参数。 因为目前不支持在当前页面做实时编辑操作,所以游乐场的代码支持在 codesandbox、stackblitz 以及 codepen 中打开,引导用户在这些第三方代码编辑平台中做代码编辑的操作。 在文档页面中,我们现在使用 react-markdown 来渲染 markdown 文件,在生成 Markdown AST 的过程中,针对代码中的特定语法 ` 一些社区实现:


```js const gulp = require('gulp'); const ts = require('gulp-typescript'); const browserify = require('gulp-browserify'); const babel = require('gulp-babel'); const nodemon = require('gulp-nodemon'); gulp.task('reloadServe', () => { gulp.src('./app/statics/js/*.ts') .pipe(ts({ target: 'es5', module:...