Results 8 issues of NSY

Would you release the code of EMNLP 2021 paper "Generate & Rank: A Multi-task Framework for Math Word Problems"?

hi, Great Work! I am writing to ask whether I can use naturalcc to construct AST CFG and DFG for python and java. Thanks for your reply.

hi, great work!! I am wonder if the ast can be Visualizatized as a picture by tree-sitter. I do appreciate for your reply~

Hi,thanks for the amazing work! I wank to ask about the detailed steps about generated code solutions post-processing when testing one solution. (e.g. After a code solution was generated, did...

您好,很有趣的文章! RocketQAv2中提及,正负样本的组成方式为: 融合数据增强构造的样本包括非去噪的和去噪的。使用RocketQA中的检索模型召回top-n的passage作为备选集。非去噪样本由标注正例和对备选集随机采样得到的样本构成;去噪样本由RocketQA的精排模型对备选集内passage打分得到的去噪正负样本构成。 但是,精排模型的损失为: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/87848800/198015907-dac2c72c-8d4c-4045-992d-ee02f9c8cf19.png) 我想请问,此处的分子上的p+指的是ground truth呢,还是所有正样本呢?(即ground truth 加所有去噪得到的正样本) 十分感谢!

您好!感谢您精彩有趣的工作! 在看《JOINT GENERATOR-RANKER LEARNING FOR NATURAL LANGUAGE GENERATION》论文代码时,我发现一个问题:在更新generator计算reward时,reward由两部分相加得到,即reranker_rewards和metric_rewards,但是在将两部分相加前,似乎却没有归一化,self.args.normalize_rewards是False。这样reranker_rewards和metric_rewards便相差了几个数量级,但是论文得出了reranker_rewards更加重要的结论。 不知道我是否遗漏了什么? 感谢您的解惑! 以下代码位于:JGR/trainer_utils/trainer.py的compute_loss_generator函数中 ``` self.reward_tracker['reranker_rewards'].append(reranker_rewards.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()) self.reward_tracker['metric_rewards'].append(metric_rewards.detach().cpu().numpy().tolist()) if self.args.normalize_rewards: # rererank_rewards_std = torch.std(reranker_rewards, dim=1, keepdim = True) metric_rewards_std = torch.std(metric_rewards, dim=1, keepdim =...

Hi,thanks for the amazing work! When I try to rename variable name with recode-main/natgen/transformations/var_renaming_transformation.py,I find when extracting variable name,some function name can be extracted even after flitterng withget_not_var_ptype_var_names(self, root, code_string)...

Hi, nice work! I would like to ask whether you will provide the evaluation results in this repository. thanks!