Chris Sparks
Chris Sparks
I have tried to plug USB cable into board and then did a reading on all of the power pins. The three 3.3V and the one 5.0V. Only the 3.3V...
I got lucky and mine works. You can't plug the USB cable in while powering trying to power with the 5V pin. I have to see where this VU pin...
Grrrrrrr. My VU pin is showing less than 1V. I really need to use this for my relay.
You have to have usb plugged in
I am so happy that I picked the right sibling! My Version 3 LoLin has this and now I can control my relays.
Do you know which version of the board you have? Sounds like you don't have the latest. The VU pin, third down on the left side (next to ESP chip)...
I have been watching these messages. I have successful using my Lolin board but I basically had to feed a power brick to my USB cable which plugs into the...
Where is the software for these drivers? The one on here drives me nuts as it keeps disconnecting and connecting.
I am trying to follow your directions and each time I get an error with the -bin: PS C:\Users\Chris\hello_1.0.2_5715870b> alr exec -- curl ERROR: Not installed: gprbuild=22.0.0 ERROR: alr encountered...
Maybe do a clean install of Alr and get rid of any files it created up to this point?