Mr Crabman
Mr Crabman
I've figured out the trigger, this error happens when running the program after using audio in another application, such as a browser video. How to fix it beyond restarting is...
Is the linux branch functional?, I'm finding this kinda ambiguous.
Thanks for the information, how do I download/use it though?, I'm new to Github. EDIT: the linux branch I mean, I probably should have specified.
How did you get the visualization sample working?, trying to play a wav file just makes the program shut down. Compiling has no errors of any kind either. EDIT: The...
Same symptoms as OP; the `Deathloop.exe` starts but there is no window, it just lingers at 1.2 GB RAM usage and does nothing: ## System Information * GPU: AMD Radeon...
I also find that the CPU usage is absolutely excessive on Xubuntu (60-70% even with 6 cores, and the cores are fast), and this is even when the game isn't...