Stonebuzz, did you deleted the default rule ? as said, the recalculation of rule works fine, that tells me the rules are well defined. Here some examples of my defined...
ah ok, was not aware about that.
Will this work to avoid redefining all rules by hand ? `update glpi_rules set sub_type="RuleDictionnarySoftware" WHERE sub_type = "RuleSoftwareCategory"`
Hello Stanislas, is still encounter some issues. I created a software category `backup software` and put it as a child of the category `System` I have defined a rule that...
Hello, i reopen cause it's still not working as expected. See previous message. Did a bunch of tests but i was unable to identify some reason in my rules or...
Hello Stonebuzz, From what i see i cannot find the entity a category is bound to. There seem to be no entity :| There is also no posibility to transfert...
I can provide a remote access to one of the systems having this issue if you want to dive into it
Hello Trasher, i understand this, was just in case you wished to investigate in order to identify the issue that is perhaps a bug. Here the steps to reproduce :...