Motti Shneor
Motti Shneor
I really need a fix for this one - and I already have a fix. Alas, I'm not familiar with the branching/merging technique of GitHub --- how do I push...
Same here: doesn't work on OS-X 10.11 El-Capitan Running it as root I receive: ``` [*] Searching process 95 heap range 0x7ff491c00000-0x7ff492000000 [-] Requested 4194304 bytes, got 112 bytes [-]...
Actually, I was not that interested in deciphering the key-chain brute-force, because my task is legit — I described it in the discussion part of your original essay (not in...
Well, it may be of benefit to others reading my question, that @CFKevinRef and I verified that Apple has fixed this long-standing issue in Mac OS 10.12, so there is...
Thanks very much! Where and how have you hit into a problem by CoreData not generating this method? Have you hit a crash when something assumed the existence of the...
This is a rather sad find. I wonder what happened at Apple - like this is a decade-standing issue, that was already addressed once - Why is it breaking? Why...
Great work. By the way, do you have any idea what could happen if we do apply KCOrderedAccessorFix on OS versions with partial implementations? Could the implementations collide somehow? Who...
actually -translateByX:10 andY:10 is not ugly. It is self explaining, and closer to human language. Even if a little longer to write, (that's ObjC...) I would always prefer reading such...
I have GitX 0.15.1899 (latest is 1962) running well on Yosamite. If that helps in any way. On 5 בנוב 2014, at 18:42, Didip Kerabat [email protected] wrote: > The latest...
Hi, and thanks for the fast reply. 1. I ran the software from my "Applications" folder. 2. the older version offered me the "in-app" update. 3. The auto-update failed somehow...