iOS 11 adds a new mechanism for allowing users to purchase IAPs right in the App Store. There's a few small steps we need to take to support that. -...
I spoke with some engineers at WWDC and they said that in theory this library should work with the new policies allowing more apps to use (non-renewing) subscriptions. I just...
The Hebrew calendar defines an hour as 1/12 of the number of sunlight minutes in a day. (Wikipedia covers this - I totally forgot earlier, but this fallacy is the...
The movement is jaggy on iPhone but on tvOS it's completely unacceptable.
I'd like to move to SpriteKit if possible. Not a terribly complicated thing to do here - I think there are only a few places that need changes.
The joystick class sometimes returns weird values for velocity. When isDPad == YES and a given axis is at a 1 or -1, the other axis will return strange values.
Building tiles should turn semitransparent when characters walk behind them, so that you can see the character. As it stands, players who walk behind buildings are practically invisible and can...
In the cocos2d engine, the sprite was manually offset. It seems that this offset causes breakage in the UIKit engine and must be fixed somehow or another. Sprites look funny...
Movement Completion Block Doesn't differentiate between Failed and Successful movement. The completion block should take a boolean parameter to determine if movement took place or not.
There has to be a more performant way to graph all of these points, but I don't know what it is. Trying to graph more than a few points is...