
Results 167 comments of Morsmalleo

Run the setup file again because mingw problem should be fixed for Kali

If that doesn't work then youll need to install mingw manually from Jessie apt repositories

Just to clarify you're running the right version of TheFatRat can you run the `chk_tools` file and show the output

Follow these steps to manually add debian Jessie repository $ touch deb.list $ echo "deb jessie main contrib non-free" >> deb.list $ mv deb.list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ $ git clone

> OK, with the old repo keys, I did manage to install it. But this technique does have it's own little issue in a way: when you are done installing...

> Hi, I generated several payload 'flavors' for reverse_tcp: > > 1. backdoor merger > 2. backdoor original > 3. masvenome > > I placed them all + the original...

That's new one on me, try reinstalling if you haven't already

So FatRat still boots after this error Yes? but PwnWinds doesn't work?

Hmm I wouldn't have a clue, this is a new one, run `./chk_tools` for me and post screenshot

This must be an older version man Im pretty sure python2 replaced python-dev