Mauricio Herrera
Mauricio Herrera
Hi, Im using Cipher_FMX demo proyect. procedure TFormMain.ButtonEncryptClick(Sender: TObject); var Cipher : TDECCipher; InputFormatting : TDECFormatClass; OutputFormatting : TDECFormatClass; InputBuffer : TBytes; OutputBuffer : TBytes; begin if not GetSettings(InputFormatting, OutputFormatting)...
what i did for simplicity, was to convert IV to HEX and put the hex value on (a7995d9813dd77ff698c2d1b0c2fe74a ) on EditInitVector.text edit, and on GetCipherAlgorithm function I modified a bit....
here is the modified project. [](
Update I did a small change, and output test is similar, but no equal as PHP function, and I can't decrypt php text var Skey:RawByteString; SKey:=TFormat_Base64.Decode(EditKey.Text); Cipher.Init(Skey, TFormat_HEX.Decode(RawByteString(EditInitVector.Text)), StrToInt('0x' +...