
Results 7 issues of MoritzJT

I was wondering on how to succeed to use my qtox profile with cyanide. Normal import seems to have some issues. I'm asked for my password, get to see part...

As the title suggests - this would be a welcome addition if those defines [here:]( could be overwritten per map by the values of the trigger hyperspace entity and use...

When packing external lightmaps, q3map2 creates the lightmap UVs and surface lightstyles properly but does not save the created lightmap UV coordinates into the BSP. q3map_lightmapsize 1024 is used to...

Currently it seems like the background is parented to the toolbar in QML However it should be a perfect layer match to the homescreen background. Swiping the app slightly away,...


Writing status out of sync between contact in chatview and in chat contact subheader. Also it's not really timing out properly, so if the stopped writing signal was not received,...


just got told ,that sending " did kill the receivers database in Wazapp. Should be fixed ;-) Also it does not show in my sent bubble. It simply seems to...


(RTCW / ET specific) - [ ] implicit - [ ] implicitBlend - [ ] implicitMask - [ ] $dlight ----------------------------- probably mostly unused: - [ ] map32// only use...